and Violets are def. Blue...or are they?
well yesterday we found out.
She's gorgeous already:)
in a skeletal, black and white/ghostly kind of way. but i can't wait to meet her.
she has a name.
she has a home.
she has love waiting for her on the outside.
I'm speechless. I'm teary eye'd.
I'm thankful. We're blessed.
I never thought in a million gazillion years i'd have a girl.
We're having a girl!!! ahhh!!! ok nuff' said.
aiden's excited. he told me he knew all along it was a girl.
he specifically told me "duh dad, i already knew"...lol...
he's gonna be an older brother. I love it. We love it.
i can't even express in this blog how excited we are.
WOW, my daughter is coming soon. WOW
we have alot to plan. my cheerleader/dancer/softball player/singer..etc is on her way!
aidens video of what he thinks about the future and the baby will be up soon.
until then'
thanks for reading.
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